
a general English teaching comment...
i do not want to be a dry crusty teacher who teaches from behind the desk.
i visited an English classroom the other day and chatted with a very excited teacher. she was so excited about a book she was about to teach (and incidentally taught every year) and she laughed (evilly i imagined) when she told me how much the students hate it. hello?
i just hope that in a couple years we all remember we are teaching for the students, not to satisfy our own agendas. i understand, we do need to teach some classics that students will surely hate, but that is why we are learning how to make learning fun and interesting in all of our BYU classes!
it's teachers like her that make students hate English. sad.


David O'Very said...

I have never understood people who get enjoyment from the suffering of other people. It is contrary to establishing a healthy learning environment and counter to the principles of the gospel.

Alison said...

There do seem to be a certain percentage of teachers who are drawn to it for sadistic reasons... it's kind of creepy. At least she likes the novel?