Grammar and Poetry...

I found a great article on Eliot's use of "you and I" instead of "you and me" in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. . . Sounds maybe a little...ridiculous. haha. Like...who thought to write about that!? But...being in this grammar class, I thought it was interesting. Grammar means so much!

Read it here!


Rachel Bauer said...

I think I have read that article before. I didn't even understand what they were talking about until I took more grammar classes.

If this is the article I am thinking of, I think the author makes an interesting point: there is a huge difference in the ways we us "let." For instance, "Let's go" means something very different than, "Let me go" or even "Let us go."

"Let us go" could mean "We should go" (to the movies, etc.) or it could mean, "Release me."

However,we would never use "Let's go" for the second meaning.