whut i think about orthagrafic riting.

Eye grew up in a place kinda different from lots of peeple eye no. For me tha idea of orthagrafic variation doesn't seem to weird u no? Kinda natural? Eye ain't no grammar freek or nun a dat and eye like to rite, and rite simple. It iz like a realease. We r alwayz barked at 4 mistakes, sumtiems eye just wanna rite "wit my hare down" no concern, just whutever. It feelz good to just let luse and rite in a way that iz so unconventional. Also we should b aware of r classrooms and there abilitys; alotta peeple rite wut they here. My friendz mom iz a teacher in New Orlenz. She haz sum good stories concerning riting samplez she gitz. She issuez verry ez quizez to her eight graderz cuz they do not read verry well. Wun question axed "what is your favorite ice cream?". Wun student rote "Butter Bacon". Mrs. Hansen wuz confuzed and showed anotha student in disbelief. Tha student looked for a secund and verry perplexed said. "What's wrong Mrs. Hansen? You ain't never heard of no butter bacón?" Tha studentz here "butter bacón" insted of butter pecan. Teacherz r essentially fiting against ritten and spokun language, and sumtimes this first (spokun) language iz even English.


Natalie Jane said...

This makes me think you're Jim on Huck Finn. It reads like dialect. I like it.